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    Spring Cleaning

    Spring is in the air and my memories of spring was mom opening up all the windows and doors in the home and letting the refreshing air in to bring a freshness to the environment.  Along with opening the windows and doors came the great event of spring cleaning.  Spring cleaning was a time for mom to remove the dust and dirt that accumulated during the dark cold winter.  For me I loved the spring time because it was clean air and sunshine which was a welcoming sight after a long winter period.  Our emotions can match the seasons and when spring arrives it may be time for some emotions…

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    Florida is a great place to be this time of year as it offers the opportunity to bask in the sunshine when most other environments are limited to what they can enjoy.  Many of us put on our sunglasses when we go out to enjoy that sunshine and for some of us what we see through those lenses could determine our emotional states.  One thing we always say at Emotion Station is we cannot change the situation that our clients bring to us in therapy, but we can change the perspective and emotions that come with the situation.  A good example of this is what we see out of our…

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    With all the pressures from social media today more than ever there is an emphasis on ego and if we are liked by others.  Many of us seek out acceptance from others to allow ourselves to gain a sense of security.  When others accept us our emotions reflect this and life takes on good perspective.  When others do not accept us we encounter emotions of insecurity and life becomes lonely.  At Emotion Station we look at acceptance both internally and externally.  Internally we investigate if we accept ourselves.  Many emotional struggles begin with little to no acceptance or security within ourselves.  If we do not accept ourselves we become very…

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    The holiday season is in full swing and for some spending time with family and loved ones becomes a top priority.  The opportunity to spend time with the ones closest to us brings good emotions and sometimes bad emotions.  Emotions can get the best of us during the holidays and it helps to keep things in a realistic perspective to save any unneeded negative thoughts, anxiety, or stress.  At Emotion Station we like to give the perspective of what can you control during these times, and what do you not control during these times.  If we focus on what we cannot control it can lead to emotional despair and ruin…

  • Counseling Blog


    Dealing with relationships in a therapeutic setting it is common that clients look to repair relationships current or past.  Emotion Station believes that an enormous part of repairing a relationship is raising trust levels.  Raising trust levels can decrease skepticism others have toward us which if we are not honest they have a right to carry that. A good step toward raising trust levels is being honest.  Honesty is a critical component of healthy relationships and people avoid honesty out of fear, desire for acceptance, or embarrassment.  When investigating honesty in a therapeutic setting we look at honesty with ourselves and honesty with others. Honesty with ourselves is essential in…

  • Counseling Blog


    At the Emotion Station we educate others on the importance of emotional stability and assist others in changing emotional states.  Stress is a common issue brought to therapy and comes in the forms of pressures and challenges in life.  We face different pressures including fulfilling ours and others expectations and competition in our professions.  Challenges including providing for ourselves and our families financially also build stress on a daily basis.  When investigating stress in individuals, the Emotion Station looks to define what areas is causing stress internal or external. Internal stress comes from within.  Thoughts and perceptions are excellent examples that cause internal stress.  Thoughts are important because they influence…

  • Counseling Blog


    One of the beautiful parts about living in Florida is the experience of our beaches and the salt water life.  Those familiar with the salt-water life know that our waters are based around tidal flows.  Life is not much different than tides.  At times our lives can swim with the current and things go well, and at times our lives can swim against the current and things are more challenging.  When things get challenging and we find ourselves swimming against the tide, we need to investigate what our expectations are for ourselves and others.  Our expectations for ourselves and others will influence emotional states.  We must ensure that our expectations…

  • Counseling Blog

    Anxiety, Stress, and Exhaustion

    With recent traumatic events it is common for individuals to experience a myriad of emotions.  In times of despair we not only find out how strong we are but also our communities, leaders, and government.  These events are drastic and ongoing, and eventually as humans we get to a point where we are ready to move forward.  However, in order to move forward we must deal directly with the emotions that we experience related to the trauma.  Every decision we make affects other people.  Thinking clearly is imperative during these times and a great way to think clear is to address our anxiety, stress, and exhaustion Anxiety is part of…

  • Counseling Blog

    Trauma and Stress on Relationships

    In times of trauma and stress our emotions can get the best of us and cause conflict in our relationships.  During these times it becomes more difficult to make healthy choices and avoid impulses.  When we make choices in the height of our emotions we may not take everything and everyone into consideration, not understand the pros and cons of our choices, and be stuck making the wrong choice making things worse.  Many times when we make choices under stress we make them from the perspective of what we need, and do not understand that our actions and choices affect other people.  When we fail to think of others with…