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    It’s the holiday season and this is the time of year for gifts.  Some people like to give gifts this time of year while others like to receive gifts this time of year.  Emotions affect the way we give and receive gifts and if we are not in a good place emotionally, we may not be capable of one of the other.  At Emotion Station we assist with emotions and the ability to give and receive gifts. Good Emotions If we are in a good place emotionally it allows us to be more giving and more receiving.  Good emotions are something we desire to share with others and therefore we…

  • Counseling Blog


    How do you measure how attractive a person is?  When we are younger, we commonly measure attraction by looks.  As we mature that definition of attraction may change and we may lose some of our physical assets that we once had.  At Emotion Station we believe that personal attraction may include productivity, fulfilling our identity, and healthy emotions. Productivity is something that is attractive to others and we feed off others who are motivated and productive.  Emotion Station believes that the more productive we are in our lives the easier it becomes to find confidence and self-value.  Productivity also keeps us out of boredom which is especially important for staying…

  • Counseling Blog,  Uncategorized

    Dimensions of Health

    Health is taking on a new meaning that ever before.  Gone are the days where we just go to our yearly physical (if we even do that) and get a clean slate of health.  Today, different components exist in ultimate wellness.  The world is demanding and competitive which can leave us exhausted and questioning our ability.  At Emotion Station we investigate the following dimensions of health allowing us to overcome the pitfalls that can lead to unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Physical –  Taking care of our physical body is important to our health.  Routine check-ins with your doctor allows insight into our vital organs and any issues that our…

  • Counseling Blog,  Uncategorized

    Conflict Resolution

    Conflict is a part of most relationships and it is something that may not be avoidable.  Conflict in relationship does not always have to destroy relationships and solving conflicts actually increases trust and bond levels in relationships.  At Emotion Station we assist clients in finding healthy conflict resolution skills that allows relationships and emotions to be more stable.  Solving conflict is not easy and incorporating these skills will get you on the path to more harmony with relationships. Emotions.  Conflicts bring a variety of emotions and the best perspective to see when conflicts and emotions arise is how to be most productive.  If we attempt to solve conflict in the…

  • Counseling Blog


    Its that time of year where in our environment the airports are full on a daily basis.  During the holidays it is common to travel and spend time at airports.  A common sight in airports is always the people running extremely late to their plane while also carrying excessive amounts of luggage with them.  I often glimpse at these people as they run through the terminal weighed down with all the baggage.  I cannot help but think our emotions work the same way.  When we are carrying plenty of stress and negative emotions we are weighed down from moving at our normal pace.  Unless we start shedding some of our…

  • Counseling Blog

    Instant Gratification

    We live in such an on demand world that we have grown accustom to getting what we want when we want it.  This is convenient for us in ways and can also be an obstacle for us in ways too.  At Emotion Station we investigate the pitfalls of instant gratification and how it can be barriers to our growth, relationships, and careers.   Convenience Effort is an enormous part of growth and change and if things become too easy we tend to slack on our effort which can influence everyone and everything around us.  Effort is a major component to healthy relationship and in a world of instant gratification it…

  • Counseling Blog

    EMDR Therapy – Jeanne Miller

    Surely you’ve heard the expression, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”  Or “one man’s pleasure is another man’s pain.”  Or even “one woman’s leisure is another woman’s toil.”  Right now you’re probably thinking of examples of these, aren’t you? But how about “one person’s trauma is another person’s ‘bump in the road.’” Why would two people, side-by-side, have the same experience, yet one walks away unscathed, while the other is negatively impacted for life.  There could be many reasons for this.  For instance, someone’s genetic make-up, or the way they were raised (to be brave or fearful, confident or insecure).  More often than not, past life experiences impact how…

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    Blended Families

    Blending families can be a challenging and intimidating for all members.  When it comes to blending families, it is beneficial to have some understanding of three main principals including hierarchy, roles, and environment.  Emotion Station assists families in the blending process by implementing a foundation in these three following areas: Hierarchy Proper hierarchy allows parents to be in control not children which can be extremely vital in blended families.  If children gain control of the hierarchy in blended families it can influence coalitions which can drive a wedge in the parents relationship.  Parents must display they are a unified front and that the children cannot penetrate this bond.  Proper hierarchy…

  • Counseling Blog

    ATV Training

    ATV’s are used to guide us off a beaten path or assist us through some rough terrain.  Sometimes our relationships get off the right path or need some guidance through rough terrain and at Emotion Station we incorporate ATV training to get our relationships back on track and off the rough terrain.  Below is an insight into our ATV training and how it can enhance your relationships. Awareness = Awareness to who your partner is and what their identity is.  Awareness allows for tolerance.  Awareness to past relationship history, behaviors, and patterns.  Awareness to past relationship history gives insight  to what one may be capable of .  Awareness to behaviors…

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    Pride is something that most of us experience that can be beneficial in our lives.  Unfortunately, pride is also something that can be a detriment, and a fine lines exists between what Emotion Station would label as positive pride versus negative pride.  Positive pride is something that helps build self worth, value, and confidence and can include things like our accomplishments and our relationships.  We can have positive pride for our accomplishments which allows us to take risks in life and try to better our positions in our financial and career world.  As we accomplish more and acquire assets our self worth and confidence increases, taking us to places we…