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The last four months have been exhausting on us mentally and it would be foolish to think that we would not experience anxiety because of the conditions that come with pandemic life.  Anxiety is common at the current time and if you are experiencing it there is nothing wrong with you as a person.  The fear of the unknown, the loss of control, and the loss of purpose will always ramp up anxiety.  Another component that plays into factor with anxiety during pandemic life would be routine.  Before quarantine and pandemic life most of us had a comfortable routine that allowed us to remain secure and safe even when life brought us conflict which it did even before the pandemic.

At Emotion Station we help others deal with high levels of anxiety in life.  If anxiety has control of your emotions and thoughts during this time help yourself by getting in a healthier routine daily.  Somewhere along the line quarantine life has become our routine and that may not be healthy for our growth and relationships.  Some of us have gotten comfortable in the same clothes, obsessing over screen time, and detaching from others and society.  Starting today we can make better choices in how to spend our time creating a healthier routine.

Society did a good job of stimulating our senses before the pandemic and since society shut down for a while that stimulation was not available.  Throughout the day before pandemic our sight, sound, touch, taste, and feel were stimulated from society.  Now that we experience a new normal in some ways, society may not stimulate the senses the way it did before, so it is our responsibility to stimulate them causing positive emotions even during this time.  It becomes our responsibility give ourselves arousal that society did before.  If you feel stuck or lack of motivation Emotion Station can help get you in healthier routine as it may be the only thing you can control at this time.  Contact Emotion Station today to get your journey started.  239-317-3115.