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The New Year is upon us and people often make resolutions to motivate themselves to make healthy changes.  At Emotion Station we help people make healthy changes year-round and focus on goals that are realistic.  The momentum of a new year can also bring new purpose.  Many times, in therapy we analyze emotions with an individual’s purpose, and we find out that when people are not fulfilling a purpose it becomes difficult to find fulfillment.

Many advantages exist to positive emotions when we as humans are fulfilling a purpose including self-worth, value, and relationships.  Self -worth is important for our emotions because we find more security when our self-worth is high.  Security also brings safety and trust which can tame negative emotions and bring more consistent happiness. When our self-worth is high, we may also grow and push ourselves to areas we feared to go before.

Value is important because when we fulfill a purpose we contribute to the betterment of the self, others, or business.  Contributing allows us to get feedback from others which can change the way we view ourselves or the emotions we have toward ourselves.  Contributing also brings experience to one’s life and one of the things we always say in therapy at Emotion Station is experience breeds confidence.  Living with higher confidence allows for healthier emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Relationships are a key component in life, and we take on more relationships when we fulfill a purpose.  Making a commitment to a purpose also brings the opportunity to engage with others on a different level from family and friends.   Purpose and relationship also offer us more structure and routine in our life which can lessen fear and anxiety.  If we are not fulfilling purpose it becomes much easier to avoid relationships and isolate the self which can influence depressive emotions.

Contact Emotion Station today at 239- 317-3115 to get the New Year started out with the right momentum and growth by finding your purpose!


  • Janeanne

    You make this sound so easy. I know from experience you can help anyone reach this place. Thanks for all that you are doing for my family and others. Jason I appreciate you!!

  • Tony Toth

    Good stuff! Self-worth is crucial and helps me get out of bed in the morning. For years, I was just going through the motions and not really living up to my own potential. I never knew I was even depressed and suffered form anxiety until it blew up in my face. Thanks to you and so many others, I’ve learned to do the work that I should have done years ago. I love my life and live in gratitude on a daily basis.

    • Jason LiCausi

      Good stuff! this is harmonious to hear and you have done some excellent work as you know. continue to reap the benefits. be well sir!