Counseling Blog


How do you measure how attractive a person is?  When we are younger, we commonly measure attraction by looks.  As we mature that definition of attraction may change and we may lose some of our physical assets that we once had.  At Emotion Station we believe that personal attraction may include productivity, fulfilling our identity, and healthy emotions.

Productivity is something that is attractive to others and we feed off others who are motivated and productive.  Emotion Station believes that the more productive we are in our lives the easier it becomes to find confidence and self-value.  Productivity also keeps us out of boredom which is especially important for staying away from impulse or making poor decisions based off lack of structure.

Identity is something that people struggle with as they mature.  At Emotion Station we believe that our identity is made up of our morals, values, and beliefs and if we stay true to that identity it reduces conflict in our lives.  Understanding what you stand for, and how people can treat you and how people cannot treat you creates healthy boundaries and makes us more attractive in our relationships.  Healthy boundaries also increase the chances that we can find and sustain healthy relationships in our life.  Many people have relationships in their lives that are not healthy because they are not authentic following their identity or boundaries so they attract the same.


Healthy emotions are a vital aspect of attraction.  Daily we take showers or baths cleansing our bodies of the filth it encountered throughout the day but how often do we cleanse our emotions?  Holding on to resentment from the past only brings on more filth to the body and mind and is a barrier in relationships.  At Emotion Station we can teach you how to cleanse the negative emotions finding a healthier more attractive you.

How attractive are you?  Contact us today to get your journey started.  239-317-3115.