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Dimensions of Health

Health is taking on a new meaning that ever before.  Gone are the days where we just go to our yearly physical (if we even do that) and get a clean slate of health.  Today, different components exist in ultimate wellness.  The world is demanding and competitive which can leave us exhausted and questioning our ability.  At Emotion Station we investigate the following dimensions of health allowing us to overcome the pitfalls that can lead to unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and actions.

Physical –  Taking care of our physical body is important to our health.  Routine check-ins with your doctor allows insight into our vital organs and any issues that our body may experience.  If we treat our bodies with respect it enhances we the chances we can maximize the most life out of it.  Understanding your body gives you a template to follow with proper care.

Mental –  Include cognitions which revolve around thoughts.  A healthy mental outlook promotes wellness.  Thoughts that are positive bring more of an appreciation for life.  Negative thoughts put endless strain and pressure on the physical. If we constantly strain the mental component with negative thoughts it can make us weak, and live in fear, making everything catastrophic.

Emotions – Include our feelings.  Emotions will also influence behaviors.  Emotions are a vital part to wellness and with proper emotions we can stay healthy even when things around us are crumbling.  Emotional wellness includes staying strong when life on life’s terms comes into existence.

Environment – The environment we keep influences our health.  If we experience peace and comfort in our environment it promotes safety and security.  However, if we experience turmoil in our environment it affects other dimensions of health in a negative manner. The more organized our environment is also can be a factor for peace where unorganized environments could promote chaos.

Spiritual –  Not always about religion but if we have some type of belief system we can turn to, it can enhance our trust and acceptance levels.  Finding a healthy relationship with your higher power can change the perspective s of what life brings us which can enhance our ability to cope and overcome.

Social Components –  Social aspects of life are valuable and it does not always have to come in the form of online modes.  Social components include relationships, careers, and achievements among others.  Social aspects allow for escape from realities and can bring some joy and humor into our lives.

The good news is at Emotion Station we educate in all dimensions of health giving you the tools and skills to assist you in being the best you, you can be.  Give us a call today at 239-317-3115 to get your journey started and health maximized today.