
Blended Families

Blending families can be a challenging and intimidating for all members.  When it comes to blending families, it is beneficial to have some understanding of three main principals including hierarchy, roles, and environment.  Emotion Station assists families in the blending process by implementing a foundation in these three following areas:


Proper hierarchy allows parents to be in control not children which can be extremely vital in blended families.  If children gain control of the hierarchy in blended families it can influence coalitions which can drive a wedge in the parents relationship.  Parents must display they are a unified front and that the children cannot penetrate this bond.  Proper hierarchy also includes healthy boundaries within the family system.  Boundaries that include time with kids separately, time with kids together, and also time alone.  Having a healthy balance in these areas allows all to get proper attention needed in the family system.  Finally, proper hierarchy includes parents keeping to structure including consistent planning.  Parents in a blended family are like managers of a business and should always be in communication with their employees.



Roles are important because they allow for cohesion, and when each person plays a role they are capable of playing it also increases confidence in the family system.  Roles include what role each partner is going to play with topics such as decision making, discipline, and any assistance needed.  When it comes to decision making for the children is that something the family does together or separately with their own children.  The same goes with discipline in blended families, is the discipline more universal or structured to each child based on origin.  Assistance is important and goes back to boundaries.



Families operate best when they create an open and honest environment that allows each member to have a voice, judgment free.  Allowing members of the family system to be open and honest slows down the impulse and emotions of situations and creates better perspective and understanding. When all parties are on the same page it allows for better understanding and tolerance when it comes to conflict.  When all parties are on their own page it causes tension and rifts in the family system.


Contact Emotion Station today 239-317-3115 to get assistance with proper hierarchy and structure with your blended family!