

Pride is something that most of us experience that can be beneficial in our lives.  Unfortunately, pride is also something that can be a detriment, and a fine lines exists between what Emotion Station would label as positive pride versus negative pride.  Positive pride is something that helps build self worth, value, and confidence and can include things like our accomplishments and our relationships.  We can have positive pride for our accomplishments which allows us to take risks in life and try to better our positions in our financial and career world.  As we accomplish more and acquire assets our self worth and confidence increases, taking us to places we never thought we would be, or were worthy of.  We can also have positive pride for our relationships.  Whether it be our business relationships, personal relationships, or family relationships we take pride in the people that are special in our life.   These relationships that affect us so much emotionally allow us to set the foundation for family legacies and rituals.  These moments of family legacies and rituals become the Facebook posts, scrapbooks, and family videos that we dearly cherish.  Positive pride warms our hearts emotionally and gives us a sense of security in our skin.

Negative pride can also rear its ugly head in our lives.  Negative pride can come in the form of ego.  Our ego, if we cannot control it, can destroy our ability to take influence or guidance from others.  Our ego can also deter us from asking for help when we are stuck or are not capable of taking care of ourselves.  We can have so much pride in who we are as a person that we believe that we always know the best way or option.  When we think our way is the best way it can deter us from learning from others and also valuable life lessons, which can keep us stuck in our old thoughts and behavior patterns.  When we think our way is the best way it can also lead us to making decisions for other people that they may not make for themselves which can build resentment and destroy emotions in relationships.  Negative pride can also deter us from asking for or accepting help when needed.  We take so much pride in our accomplishments and our identity that we fear showing any vulnerability or weakness.  Different times in our life will exist when we will need to seek assistance or face vulnerability, and if we cannot ask or accept help at the right times it could lead us to lose everything we have always taken the most pride in, including our life.

Contact Emotion Station today to investigate pride levels in your life 239-317-3115.