
Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air and my memories of spring was mom opening up all the windows and doors in the home and letting the refreshing air in to bring a freshness to the environment.  Along with opening the windows and doors came the great event of spring cleaning.  Spring cleaning was a time for mom to remove the dust and dirt that accumulated during the dark cold winter.  For me I loved the spring time because it was clean air and sunshine which was a welcoming sight after a long winter period.  Our emotions can match the seasons and when spring arrives it may be time for some emotions spring cleaning.  Cleaning our emotions is healthy and gives us a positive outlook on life.  To start it helps to clear out our thoughts.  Take the old negative thoughts that have kept you stuck in a bad emotional place and find ways to refresh the perspective and find the good.  Challenge yourself to make small changes to your daily routine to offer different things and people to enter your world.  Who knows something you see or hear from doing something even slightly different can change the way you think about something or possibly even make you laugh.  Also it helps to spend time thinking about the things that bring you joy.  When we start thinking about the things in life that warm our heart it can quickly bring a smile or sense of peace during a period of turmoil.

Second it also helps to clear out our emotions.  Many times when we enter a bad emotional place we feed into the emotions which just ignites more bad emotions.  We must understand that with bad emotions comes bad behaviors so if our intent is to change our relationships we must shed bad emotions.  A great way to change our emotions is to find something that makes us feel good.  At Emotion Station we always take the motto of “Do Good, Feel Good” so the more we can engage in things that do good for others the more we feel good about ourselves.  With all the high demands of today’s world it becomes simple to get caught up in our routine and forget about happiness or our purpose.  The more we can connect to what we desire our purpose to be the easier it becomes to find positive emotions.  It is when we constantly chase the false pretenses that cause us to be disconnected from our internal happiness.

Contact Emotion Station today to start your spring cleaning underway.  239-317-3115.