

Florida is a great place to be this time of year as it offers the opportunity to bask in the sunshine when most other environments are limited to what they can enjoy.  Many of us put on our sunglasses when we go out to enjoy that sunshine and for some of us what we see through those lenses could determine our emotional states.  One thing we always say at Emotion Station is we cannot change the situation that our clients bring to us in therapy, but we can change the perspective and emotions that come with the situation.  A good example of this is what we see out of our lenses daily, as those lenses are our outlook on our lives and the world.  Are the lenses that you look out of clear and bright or are they cloudy and dirty?  If your lenses are clear and bright then it enhances the chances that your emotions will match what you see.  When we are in a good emotional place we see our lives and the world in a positive outlook.  When our lenses are clear and bright life is fun and we enjoy the presence of others.  We also appreciate things more when we are in a good emotional place and appreciation is the best lens cleaner we can use on a daily basis.

If your lenses are cloudy and dirty, again it may enhance the chances your emotions will match what you see.  When we are in a bad emotional place our lenses are cloudy and dirty and we do not have the strength to clean them.  We get more comfortable complaining about how dirty they are, knowing they will not get clean until we find the strength to clean them.  If we consistently look at life and the world from dirty lenses it brings turmoil to us and others who engage in relationships with us.  It is important that when we are in a bad emotional place we take the time to find the right help to find strength to make the proper changes. The challenge for most of us is that what we see out of our lenses is the same everyone else sees too, how do we hold ourselves accountable to see from the clear and bright on a consistent basis even when others do not.   At Emotion Station we help our clients see out of clear and bright lenses on a more consistent basis allowing more appreciation for life.  Contact us today to get your journey started.  239-317-3115.


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