

With all the pressures from social media today more than ever there is an emphasis on ego and if we are liked by others.  Many of us seek out acceptance from others to allow ourselves to gain a sense of security.  When others accept us our emotions reflect this and life takes on good perspective.  When others do not accept us we encounter emotions of insecurity and life becomes lonely.  At Emotion Station we look at acceptance both internally and externally.  Internally we investigate if we accept ourselves.  Many emotional struggles begin with little to no acceptance or security within ourselves.  If we do not accept ourselves we become very hard on ourselves and this leads to turmoil in other relationships as well.  When we constantly seek out acceptance from others we struggle with our own identity and find ourselves constantly changing to keep up.  Every action has a re-action and when we are constantly changing we get confused and stray from our foundational morals and values.  This confusion affects the types of relationships we engage as well as education and career paths.  If we cannot come to a place where we gain acceptance for ourselves this is something that can haunt us for decades and stunt our development and growth.

External acceptance is learning more to detach from the expectations, labels, and judgement others place on us.  Are you the type of person that always needs someone or a group of people around you to fulfill your happy.  If so it could mean the reality is that you do not enjoy being alone by yourself so you avoid you by surrounding yourself with others. We must challenge ourselves to get to a point where we gain enough security in our own skin to find our happiness.  Release yourself from the competition of others around you and find your own path that works best for you.  Reflect on how much pressure you have put on yourself in your life to fulfill the goals and dreams of someone else and imagine how different your life can be from this point when you make yourself the number one priority.  Challenge yourself to spend more time accepting you and not seeking it out from others.  Contact Emotion Station today to get professional assistance to get yourself started.  239-317-3115