Counseling Blog


At the Emotion Station we educate others on the importance of emotional stability and assist others in changing emotional states.  Stress is a common issue brought to therapy and comes in the forms of pressures and challenges in life.  We face different pressures including fulfilling ours and others expectations and competition in our professions.  Challenges including providing for ourselves and our families financially also build stress on a daily basis.  When investigating stress in individuals, the Emotion Station looks to define what areas is causing stress internal or external.

Internal stress comes from within.  Thoughts and perceptions are excellent examples that cause internal stress.  Thoughts are important because they influence emotions and behaviors.  If thoughts are constantly self-defeating it leads to doubt and low self-worth.  Unfortunately what we see with clients is the more that they feed the negative thoughts, the more they consume more space in the head.  Eventually the negative thoughts become comfortable and destroy our belief in our abilities.    Perception also causes internal stress because some individuals tend to view themselves and define themselves in the negative.  When we constantly see ourselves for what we lack and our failures it leads to us beating ourselves up which is exhausting.  One of the many beauties of therapy at the Emotion Station is that we look at client strengths and provide more positive perspectives.

External stress comes from our world around us.  Relationships and environments are excellent examples of external stress.  If we keep and surround ourselves with unhealthy relationships it takes a lot of maintenance to find stability.  When we live in unstable emotions it can affect our entire world outside of that particular relationship.  This can limit our growth, development, and success in life.  Environments are important in life because some environments promote learning and development, while others allow for stagnation and regression.  Environments that challenge us to become better as people and professionals allow for enhancement, which can lead to positive exchanges, which changes emotional states.   Environments that stagnate or even allow regression can cause that feeling of being stuck or bored and that is when we can easily get ourselves in trouble.

Emotion Station will assist you with emotional enhancement by providing positive perspectives and education of emotional states and how to exhaust them.  Contact us today to make that investment in yourself.