Counseling Blog

Trauma and Stress on Relationships

In times of trauma and stress our emotions can get the best of us and cause conflict in our relationships.  During these times it becomes more difficult to make healthy choices and avoid impulses.  When we make choices in the height of our emotions we may not take everything and everyone into consideration, not understand the pros and cons of our choices, and be stuck making the wrong choice making things worse.  Many times when we make choices under stress we make them from the perspective of what we need, and do not understand that our actions and choices affect other people.  When we fail to think of others with our choices it causes conflict in relationships.

Relationships are based on equal effort and reciprocation and when one party is constantly making the choices for all involved it can lead to bitterness and resentment.  When these emotions enter the relationship it can be difficult for parties to move forward.  When making choices during these times remove the ego and ensure the safety of everyone involved.  Swallow your pride and understand that in order for everyone to be comfortable with the decisions they must be included in the decision making process.  This is a great way to strengthen the bond of the relationship as well.

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